Vegetable gardening services are available to you in Naples Florida, whether your interest is vegetable gardening, the health of your family or the concern for the local SW Florida environment. The methods used are the whole systems approach which is considering your landscape as an integrated system where each component can affect the rest. Using this approach, negative impacts can be minimized along with their associated costs. We all can take one step towards a safer, healthier place to live with our gardening solutions.

We will create a gardening system for you or install one you have purchased. Designing small lanai organic gardens to large full-scale gardens, installing all materials necessary including seedlings, and monitoring services to address issues on a proactive basis are offered to you. Clients can enjoy eating their own fruits, vegetables and herbs enjoying personal gratification as well as improving the quality of the food they eat each day. Our methods have no impact on the environment; in fact, you will be improving your soil which is a benefit to the carbon exchange in the atmosphere.

Various garden styles and gardening methods can be applied depending upon how much space is available, what your favorite fruits, herbs and vegetables are and how much food you want to yield. Your garden is then installed with a quality growing media for your plants to prosper. Drip irrigation systems for increased water efficiency can be implemented (with the use of rain barrels as an option) to assist in your irrigation needs.

Your site conditions are studied, and a garden design is created. Small lanai gardens to large full-scale gardens can be completed. Timed seed starters are available to replace your vegetables that have already been harvested and can add to supplying a greater variety of foods to grow throughout the growing season.